Lost In Cinque Terre


If I say ‘let me take you to a little town in Italy’, what would you say?

cinque terreI don’t think that there is anyone in Turkey who will say no to this. We love Italy and the Italians. We are one and the same. Its villages overlooking plains, coastal towns or developed cities all feel similar. Especially the Mediterranean scented foods and the warmness of its people. As the Italians, we also like to shout out our feelings, establish big families, pour love to our food and get jealous of our women.

IMG_8518This time, the town we are visiting is in Cinque Terre region. I do not know if anybody has mentioned it to you yet, but it means “Five Lands” in Italian. In other words, the colorful small and lovely towns on the UNESCO World Heritage list. Monterosso, Vernezza, Corniglia, Manarola and Riomaggiore, extending from Genoa to La Spezia. But the town I am going to talk about is not among them. Uncle Google has already a lot to say about these towns. It is called Lerici. It is located at the southernmost tip of the region. You know the place where ‘you found your love’; that’s it, Portofino! So go a little bit right from Portofino, proceed 29-30 sea miles, anchor your yacht, and that sweet coast is called Lerici.

A Sweet Serenity, Lerici

IMG_8515So if you ask what am I doing here, it is of course about our yacht. Pardon my French, but I am on a 60-meter long legged babe of a sailboat! I have become the Head Chef of this baby. And naturally these babies need go to the hairdresser before crossing oceans. Yes, you are right, we are in a shipyard! As the annual repairs and preparing to set sail take some time, we both work at this beautiful Italian region and live like locals in a number of houses rented for us.

IMG_7430My discovery of Lerici coincided with a rainy day. I went out of the house I am staying, pondered going left or right then turned left, and as the famous Turkish singer Barış Manço song… it was frosty frosty weather, hands in my pocket. I found myself walking on a road without a pedestrian way. Feeling close to getting lost, I stated walking towards the coast taking the sea as bearing as I always do in these situations. The place I arrived was Lerici.

IMG_8517I cannot even begin to tell how pleasant the town was. Especially considering that we are in December which is the most delightful of months for this region. (My frequenters well know that I have zero tolerance against noise, sweat or tourist riots…) A magnificent sunset and light game was awaiting me. You can visit here just for experiencing this serenity.

IMG_7398The bay area was also tranquil as it is somewhat secluded. And small waves completed the scenery. Nothing to disturb the peace. Some very cute restaurants at the coast, ‘bringing what came out of the sea that day’ type… The type not needing any menus… The type where you can gulp down the oysters squeezing some lemon without sitting down or sit down forever and eat whatever the Italian gives you… Plus a good wine… What else can you want!

IMG_7356Now do you want to come to Lerici with me, or not?